3 Key Practices for Consistent Golf Ball Striking

3 min readMay 17, 2022


One of the biggest challenges golfers face is their inability to make consistently good contact with the ball. Indeed, this requires a lot of knowledge and practice.

Three of the most common places where things can go wrong with your swing are your setup, balance, and swing path. So, if you want to produce consistently solid strikes, you have to improve in those particular areas.

In this post, written by golf lesson instructors in Mississauga, we discuss how to get yourself into the proper position to produce a more solid strike.

Ways to Improve Your Golf Ball Striking

Consistent practice is the key to getting better at golf. However, there are some specific strategies to keep in mind if you want to improve your striking game.

Fix Your Swing Path: Swing path is defined as the direction the clubhead is moving when it makes contact with the ball. So, if you want to consistently strike the ball, you have to get your swing path aligned properly.

One of the most common mistakes golfers make is swaying or moving off the ball during the swing. Indeed, moving your body sideways or up and down will prove unfavourable to hitting the golf ball. That’s why your instructor watches their head position during your swing.

When swinging, coming over the top or too far from the inside can also cause problems. If you come over the top, you’ll need to swing your weight more to the right. Set a club in front of your left foot, pointing down the target line. Step on the clubhead to raise the shaft off the ground. Then make a few swings while you avoid hitting the shaft.

If you’re having trouble coming too far from the inside, consider putting the club behind you and beneath your right foot. On the downswing, stand on the clubhead and try to retain the pressure on the trail leg a bit longer. This will help you get your swing path back on the right plane.

Maintain a Balanced Position: Like life, maintaining balance is a key part of golf. That’s why it is often called the game of life.

Similarly, to achieve consistent striking, you have to get yourself into a balanced position and hit the golf ball from that position.

But, before you do, you need to feel like everything is in line. Try to hold your balance. If that is done correctly, you will start to hit the ball and then the ground. Don’t worry if you cannot do it straightaway; it takes a bit of practice to make sure your balance and alignment are correct.

Proper Driver Setup: Every good swing requires a proper setup. If you don’t start from the correct position, it won’t give the right result. Most students have a basic idea of a proper driver setup, but there are some subtle nuances that you need to practice if you really want to achieve it.

For example, if you slice the ball, you will lose a certain amount of distance. Since your distance is affected as well as your direction, you will have to start to aim left to compensate. When you do this, your right arm can start to creep higher, which throws off your tilt and produces an over-the-top path to create an even larger slice.

An easy way to improve your setup is by getting your trail arm under your lead arm for more consistent drives. This will ensure an inside attack and hit upon the golf ball.

Everyone has their own unique rhythm for swinging, so it is important to maintain that swing for good ball striking. You can consult with your private golf instructor and use the information above in your upcoming practices to improve your ball striking.




Written by Learn2GolfAcademy

Learn 2 Golf Academy offers specialized lessons in Golf to residents living in and around Ontario.

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